segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2009

Charlie Sheen's video message to the president

Sorry I'm late guys.. should have posted this a long time ago... (1 week ago)

But better late than sorry... oops.. I was already sorry.

And here's the public letter sent to U.S.A. president Barack Ob...ama for those of us who would like to learn:

(highlighting the 20 bullets points in the middle of the letter)

That's how we start to break the egg-shell-glass built by too much TV around us... :p


segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009

Reply to L's email about: The new economic landscape

It seams and IS alarming.
We can try to dim it off with layers of political, religious, historical interpretation, scientific arguments, etc... and all.

But the fact is it is being carried out:
(UNICEF caught doing it in Africa for e.g.,
another example is super-extra-doses of fluor and other chemicals poured directly into water pipe junctions towards rough neighbourhoods in North-America).

Its not only being carried out tentativelly here and there. It is becoming mainstream slowly... Like Mein Kampf did. Of course it comes clothed with all the necessary political correcteness we demand these days !

No point here on bringing up my (or anyone's) religious views : we're discussing cold facts.

In fact: your reply is the self-evident example of my brain a few years ago: full of National Geographic, History Channel, Discovery pseudo-scientific propaganda.

I was one of those people also saying : "hey - there is too many people on the planet".

You know something my dear L: Not by a long mile!

The planet can hold so much more people... the problem is our up-bringing under the guise of eugenicists. (and this sentence triggers our pavlovian response: "conspiracy-theorist, conspiracy-theorist alert" LOL).

But the cold facts are: Eugenics rules the schools of social thought across the west. Eugenics in Nazi germany were sponsored by British and American "elites" (alarm: pavlovian response: "conspiracy theorist always uses word: elite, alarm... alarm... " LOL). When the war ended the Brains and Works of Eugenics moved to the US (and across Europe - including Brittain) under a different name (like family control or something)..
Almost our entire school curriculum was written by people working under the authority of these "super-eugenics-gurus" of whom John Holdren is considered a super-super-star.

The reason you saw these "play-down" mainstream articles about his books is the way mass-media (under the advice of specialized news-makers surely distinguished with degrees and PhDs in psychology, sociology, marketing and publicity) is a technique to counter the "alternative media hype".
When guys like Alex Jones (smartly labeled by mainstream media with a label like: "low-quality pork chops" in the supermarket to scare people away LOL) find out about the books and start bringing it up - immediatelly mainstream media will bring the subject up in a completely different tone like: "you see my child... there is nothing to worry about. Don't listen to crazy people". LOL

Anyway - I just can't hold myself from trying to let people know what I am learning these days...

I write some more of these but many times its in Portuguese and I don't care about translating. In this case I wrote the one below in English and translated to Portuguese afterwards.

Thanks for bothering investigating and replying. I appreciate your email.



Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 22:06:34 +0000
Subject: Re: Dany L's Mini-Chronicle: The new economic landscape + audio
From: L

Take your point that this seems alarming.

However, reading the full chapter the authors do not actually advocate forced sterilization. This is the key passage:

"A far better choice, in our view, is to expand the use of milder methods for influencing family size preferences, while redoubling efforts to ensure that the means of birth control, including abortion and sterilization, are accessible to every human being on Earth within the shortest possible time."

I understand that this offends your religious views, but closing out debate of a difficult subject (what to do about population growth outstripping global food supply etc - and 30 years ago this was a hot topic as it soon will be again) via a conspiracy-channelled view of "elitist" population control doesn't help anyone.


The new economic landscape

2300 yrs ago Plato was writting and giving speeches in Athens about the over-population of cities calling for wars to make sure they'd reduce people's numbers.

2000 yrs ago Roman historians were writting how to control the masses and how to make sure the Elite would stay in Power.

500 yrs ago in England the nobles would have 98% of land and the people would live on the remaining 2% and were called by the nobles: "little people".
This was because of mal-nutrition the average noble would be 2ft higher than the average people. If a peasant was caught chasing a rabbit or picking up fruit / vegetables inside a noble's land he would be killed.

In those centuries nobles from European countries would meet and agree wars between themselves in pre-arranged places "this summer we'll do it in my land, next spring w'll do it in yours, ok?" to make sure the peasants numbers never grew to numbers hard to control.

In the 1900's american slave traders/owners were reading from ancient Roman, Greek and Egyptian thinkers/economists/politicians how to manage slaves.

In the 1930's Hitler came on TIME magazine cover twice and was idolized by American Left-thinking "liberals" for his speeches and policies...

Last year we (western countries) issued a "bank bailout" scheme that litterally poured bilions of Euros/Pounds/Dollars into banks electronic account files and... Now we are before a different Economy, a different landscape of relations between banks and governments... something new for some of us (the younger of us) but something seen already a few times in some places... hint: China, URSS, Nazi-Germany, Fascist Italy/Portugal/Spain... There you go... Walking towards the most powerfull blend of Fascism and Comunism ever seen. At least from my (and some more people) point of view..

Today: The North-American Science Czar has severall books he co-authored or wrote all-by-himself calling for poisoning the water, forced innoculation with sterilizing for the masses and similar things... (similarly to Adolf having written "Mein Kampf" and almost nobody paying much attention to it...).

Anyway... Its only too much information for my time right now. Please dig it for your selves its widely available right now - do it now while you can - there are growing reports the internet will soon stop being free from censurship on political-economical-social-scientific-religious views...

Take care.

Daniel L

P.S.: The audio is from someone I agree with in about 80 to 90% of things - which for someone growing as steadfast as myself is pretty amazing. (modesty aside)

Firefighters from Escarrapicheira

Background: Firefighters in portugal is a volunteer job. I.e. most firefighters don't live out of "fire-fighting" or driving ambulances, assisting in road accidents etc... Although some firefighters do it full-time - they are still always referred to as "the volunteers".
Also another curiosity the portuguese word for firefighters "bombeiros" would litteraly mean "pumpers" :D (from pumping the old-days pumps)

Please forgive me if the wording doesn't fully sound brittish but i'll be trying to translate as close to the original as possible.


Dany L

Volunteers of Escarrapicheira (funny town name in Portugal: maybe a myth-name ...)

A fire kicked off at a countryside property.
The firefighters were immediatelly called out to extinguish the flames.
The fire was ever more strong, and the firefighters couldn't dominate the flames.

The situation was becoming out of control, when somebody suggested calling the volunteer group of Escarrapicheira.

In spite of some doubts about abilities and equipment of the volunteers, it would always be another form of help. And so it was.

The volunteers arrived in an old vehicle, worn out by the years and operations of fighting.
They passed by in great speed and headed on a straight line towards the center of the fire!

They went right into the middle of the flames and only then they stopped.
Astonished the locals watched it all:

The volunteers jumped out of the truck and started pulverizing

frantically in all directions!

Since they were right in the middle of the fire, the flames divided, and finaly there was left two portions easily controlable.

Impressed with the work of the volunteers of Escarrapicheira, the owner of the property had a breath of relief when he saw his homestead spared from the devastation of the flames.
In the same hour he stuck his hands deep in the pocket and immediately wrote a cheque of 10.000 euros to the volunteers corporation.

A local newspaper reporter at the location straightaway asked the comander of the firefighters:
- "10.000 euros! Have you already thought what you're doing to the money?"

– "I think its obvious, isn't it?" - replies the comander shaking ashes off the helmet...

- "The first thing we will do is fixing the bloddy brakes of the vehicle!!!"
