segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009

The new economic landscape

2300 yrs ago Plato was writting and giving speeches in Athens about the over-population of cities calling for wars to make sure they'd reduce people's numbers.

2000 yrs ago Roman historians were writting how to control the masses and how to make sure the Elite would stay in Power.

500 yrs ago in England the nobles would have 98% of land and the people would live on the remaining 2% and were called by the nobles: "little people".
This was because of mal-nutrition the average noble would be 2ft higher than the average people. If a peasant was caught chasing a rabbit or picking up fruit / vegetables inside a noble's land he would be killed.

In those centuries nobles from European countries would meet and agree wars between themselves in pre-arranged places "this summer we'll do it in my land, next spring w'll do it in yours, ok?" to make sure the peasants numbers never grew to numbers hard to control.

In the 1900's american slave traders/owners were reading from ancient Roman, Greek and Egyptian thinkers/economists/politicians how to manage slaves.

In the 1930's Hitler came on TIME magazine cover twice and was idolized by American Left-thinking "liberals" for his speeches and policies...

Last year we (western countries) issued a "bank bailout" scheme that litterally poured bilions of Euros/Pounds/Dollars into banks electronic account files and... Now we are before a different Economy, a different landscape of relations between banks and governments... something new for some of us (the younger of us) but something seen already a few times in some places... hint: China, URSS, Nazi-Germany, Fascist Italy/Portugal/Spain... There you go... Walking towards the most powerfull blend of Fascism and Comunism ever seen. At least from my (and some more people) point of view..

Today: The North-American Science Czar has severall books he co-authored or wrote all-by-himself calling for poisoning the water, forced innoculation with sterilizing for the masses and similar things... (similarly to Adolf having written "Mein Kampf" and almost nobody paying much attention to it...).

Anyway... Its only too much information for my time right now. Please dig it for your selves its widely available right now - do it now while you can - there are growing reports the internet will soon stop being free from censurship on political-economical-social-scientific-religious views...

Take care.

Daniel L

P.S.: The audio is from someone I agree with in about 80 to 90% of things - which for someone growing as steadfast as myself is pretty amazing. (modesty aside)

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